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Ben's steel-toed crocs

When we were going through some of Ben’s things, we dug through his box of shoes. At the bottom we found his “steel-toed crocs” and immediately started laughing.

Nothing screamed Ben more than these crocs.

He wanted something comfortable to wear when he was working on his projects, but he knew open-holed crocs wouldn’t be safe. So he took his pale green crocs and proceeded to pound out pieces of sheet metal that conformed to the tips of his shoes. He then wire-tied the metal to the outside of his crocs.

They were the most ridiculous thing that we had ever seen, but in true Ben fashion they worked great and he wore them all the time.

Ben’s Aunt Jen had a similarly funny story about Ben’s crocs.

She was sitting next to Ben in the airport waiting to take a flight to Chicago to celebrate his uncle’s 40th birthday. Ben was 7 years old and wearing his crocs covered in Jibbets.

While sitting there, Ben proceeded to tell the never-ending story about all of the Jibbets.

Ben was such a great story teller and had the gift of gab. He made the 2 hour wait in the airport go by in a flash. It was such a gift.

He was the greatest friend and best person to spend time with.

Ben, what will we do without you here to make us laugh?

We will miss you forever.


Mom, Dad and Abby

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